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Wednesday 3 April 2013


this website show you about all of mobile phone and there are so many function. This website telling about the features also, we can see from android, and smartphone. So, if we still confuse about the advantages from these technology, from this website, we can analyze which is better from that technology. 


there are so many technology in the world, one of them like computer. Computer have one important part, this part is PC. PC has many effect for computer, especially for this age. of course we know about the new office hardware. so this website telling about new office hardware and telling many content that make microsoft success.


This time, as we know about the google. Did you know google ? google not only about application, but Google is a search engine. There are so many kind of search engine and many effect from search engine. So, this website more telling you about search engine.


Do you know about ipad or Tablet ? of course you know. but, we know, ipad or tablet dont have keyboard. so this time, we need to tell you about the Ultrathin Keyboard Cover. This keyboard has effect like protect side of ipad or tablet. This keyboard is unique. The power of keyboard by the sun. So, for ipad or tablet users, they are should have this keyboard.


we can explain about the materials from Presentation. this age, the people always use computer or laptop as media presentation. So, we need to tell you about this technology, ipad for presentation, the name is " haikaku deck ". this ipad can help us to make presentation with easy. This technology is very expensive, $ 3 million so if you want this ipad you should pay more expensive than other technology.

posted by  : Ade Danu Kurniawan
NIM           F42112051
Reg B, A class. 


This website is about unique software that can we use on our computer we can try it imediately. but this website most of the software is compatible for computer with Dell brand. thera are many software that can you try and download from this site.


Boy Genius Report or bgr provide us with breaking news, info, and other reports on new gadget releases before they become official through the mainstream media. so we can know gadget that will realese before they release. we can chose a gadget that you want to buy when they are release to the media.


this site provide information about technology in Asia such as product from china, taiwan, japan, and korea. this site also provide information about the market activities, so we can which product that become famous and also with the features of the product.


This site provide information about cell phone, hardware gaming, software, and computer. this site also give information the price for them. their adventages and disadventages. so we can decided software or gadget that usefull for us.


This website special for android user. this site provide technology that support for android, it show the application, android phone and review. this site also provide information about android market movemen, such as number of selling, and price in statistic data that we can see. and this site can be very usefull for bussines man.


this site provide information about latest tecnology, gadgets mobile phone, GPS, and Digital Camera. but this site give explaination in general way different from other site that provide specific explanation


This site is great, because they provide not only creative technology but all about technology. such as about windows, linux, mac-os, mobile phone lattest gadgets, old gadgets, unique gadgets, Digital camera, GPS, Daily life electronical tools and vehicles are there in this site.


This site almost with site above itshow every thing and anything about gadgets, their features and their price. but this site is unque because this site provide 10 up to 30 news post every day based on the gadgets request, and it posted with different style of writing.


this site provide information about lattest gadgets in dept explanation about it. and all of the explanation was tried by the writer. so the information that provide in this site was from the writer experience who use the gadget before.


this site provide info rmation about all kind of technology, everything about technology. not only crative technology but also technology to build bridge, bug building and vehicles. nad it show with different view and concept. such as talk technology with arts view or humor.


This is official site of google that provide information about lattest mobile phone, application, and android devices. very usefull for gadget maniac, and for you who use mobile devices in your daily life.

Writen By : Anugrah Tri Hernanda/F42112039

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